Firm Group has shown that in his shows anything can happen. From special guests, typical Mexican dances, parties with lots of alcohol and fun at its best.

But some accidents can also happen like what happened to two of the members who provided more than a musical show, since it was Eduin Case who ripped off part of his brother’s pants Johnny and left him in his underwear.

Through their official accounts on social networks, Jhonny Caz shared several photographs and a video of the exact moment in which the Grupo Firme vocalist cuts his brother’s pants garment of the wardrobe that he used in one of the events that they carry out as part of their tour “Enfiestados y amanecidos” through Mexico and the United States.

“Eduin Caz says that it was chill, come with me to see this sad story” the singer wrote next to the series of images that also received hundreds of comments, One of them was that of Jonathan Bencomo, Jhonny’s fiancé, the young man did not hesitate to flatter his lover’s physique.

Jhonny Caz is the third voice of Grupo Firme and one of the most famous of the group, this for his struggle to keep the flag of the LGBTQ community apparent on stage. and as an interpreter of Mexican regional, an action that his followers applaud and respect.

Another thing that fans of Grupo Firme is the good relationship that the Caz brothers have above and below the stage, the young people have shown that in addition to being familyThey are also good co-workers and are always joking around when they perform live shows.

Grupo Firme recently performed at the Zócalo in Mexico City and managed to gather more than 280,000 people, something that caused the astonishment of celebrities, the Government of Mexico City who was supporting logistics and those who criticize or support youth work.

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