The first episode of season 2 of Perry Mason arrives on HBO Max Spain on March 7. And with it, a series that has matured like fine wine over the past 3 years. I was able to see a few episodes of this series centered on a lawyer with somewhat dubious methods and I want to explain myself what were my feelings in this review.
A qualitative leap compared to the first season
Perry Mason She was born as a reboot of the homonymous series of the 50s and 60s without knowing how to find her identity. For part of the whole season, seemed to see another version of Sherlock Holmeswhile in the second half, finally the figure of Mason was glimpsed as a capable and very intelligent lawyer. Without a doubt, the worst decision at the time his showrunners he was introduce a character stuck for so many chaptersgoing from being a three-room detective to being a lawyer without a good explanation in between beyond the legacy.
This error (which I didn’t quite fit), more specifically, was the transformation process of Perry Mason: beyond being a series without an identity (yes, very pretty and with elaborate scripts), I was surprised to close my eyes, and when I opened them again, to see a character who had previously been interviewed as a lawyer with virtually no idea of the law. Surely it’s related to the original character created over 60 years ago. However, this sudden change in tone was striking to say the least.
And season 2 is coming Perry Mason with a new file to investigate and a qualitative leap that I did not expect. It went from a decent series about 1930s law to a dissolving meltdown of American society at the time, with a more focused storyline and very clear ideas.. Without a doubt, the change I needed Perry Mason there HBO Max continue to trust one of its star series.
Perry Mason is a complex lawyer who continues to weigh in on his past
Already in the first season we discovered that Perry Mason was a person tormented by his war past. However, in this second batch, this is due to events that happened a year ago: the death of a mentor, a trial as complex as it is surprising in its outcome and a very difficult relationship with the mother of his son. Although he started a new life in an apartment in Los Angeles, Perry feels he has failed in what he set out to do..
For this reason, I think Perry Mason is the best person to defend the two newly accused of murder. that they are so only because they belong to a very low social class. Because obviously the the series continues to explore this duality between the elite and the peoplebut instead of exploring the figure of the corrupt police (beware, this archetype also continues to be exploited), he does it by pitting high society against a slum. And the darkest forces are behind everything that pulls their strings. A case that will help Perry Mason mature as a lawyer and as a person.
I don’t think I need to comment much more on Perry Mason’s Season 2 script., the true mainstay of the entire series. just say that I liked it a lot more than the first seasonwith a clear and realistic presentation of the facts and which concentrates all its efforts to make each of its characters evolve towards a new destiny. Mason is still Mason, a man who does not hesitate to confront the limits of the law with his somewhat questionable methods, but deep down he is a very good person who feels lonely..

Perry Mason is better Perry Mason than in 2020
And finally say that Perry Mason’s narrative development is satisfying in its second season. The revelations work and push us into an increasingly complicated puzzle. If Perry Mason continues in this way, the character gives much more of himself. Of course, as long as it is possible to maintain the originality and consistency that we have seen in these new chapters.
Now well, Perry Mason is an adult-only series in this second season as in the first. Neither because of its rudeness, nor because of its nudity, nor because of its violence. It is aimed at adults because it requires a concentration rarely seen: Here the important thing is the dialogues, the looks and the silences. There is no action, there is no reaction. Just Perry Mason doing his thing.