Concerns about the pandemic have caused many people to notice their effects at bedtime and rest has become more difficult. Experts have even named it: ‘coronasomnia’ or ‘Covid-somnia’ and is closely linked to stress of life due to coronavirus.
A study conducted by the University of Southampton showed that the number of people in the UK experiencing insomnia increased from one in six to one in four. Among the most affected groups, mothers or essential workers stand out.
For its part, Insomnia rates in China increased from 14.6 to 20%, in Italy a alarming prevalence of clinical insomniahey in Greece, almost 40% of the people analyzed in an investigation suffered from this alteration.
The causes
Months of social distancing or job uncertainty, the consequences for sleep increase. In case the problem persists, it can lead to health impacts such as obesity, anxiety, depression, cardiovascular disease, or diabetes.
According to health authorities, it is classified as insufficient sleep when a person sleeps less than seven hours. This also affects work, as some studies have shown that it increases the chances of making mistakes, affects the mood and increases reaction times.
Cognitive behavioral therapy
To try to fix it, the experts ensure that it is important to seek outside help. There is great difficulty in breaking habits that have been formed and there is no quick fix. The most common treatment is cognitive behavioral therapy, that improves the call sleep hygiene and trains the brain to associate bed with sleep just for behavior changes.