The 71-year-old star brought Marvel’s green monster to life during the 82 episodes of the TV series shown between 1978 and 1982

The wife of actor and bodybuilder Lou Ferrigno has filed for divorce in San Luis Obispo County, California, after 43 years of marriage. The opening of the divorce proceedings was reported by the British newspaper Daily Mail. The publication reports that Carla Ferrigno accuses her husband of preventing her from accessing their finances and “parading around the house with a mistress”.

Lou (71) and Carla Ferrigno (74) have been married since 1980 and have three children. She is a psychotherapist, businesswoman and actress, and was recently diagnosed with dementia. A few days ago it was reported that the actor had filed a restraining order against his daughter and sister-in-law for trying to move $500,000 from his wife’s accounts.

The divorce proceedings are a reaction to the restraining order requested by the actor. Carla Ferrigno claims that her husband cut off her access to their joint accounts and accuses the actor of keeping her isolated to make the divorce process more difficult.

The same document also mentions the actor’s mistress, Lisa. According to Carla: “[It is with Lisa that Lou] “spends most of his time, traveling with her to her events and parading her around in my face at home”.

Carla goes on to say: “Although his infidelity may not be abuse, when I get upset with him for her [Lisa] being around, he physically intimidates me by getting close to my face and using his much superior size – he makes a point of reminding everyone that he’s the Hulk – compared to my short stature, to scare me into submission.”

She adds: “As he imposes himself on me, he shouts at me, saying horrible things and making sure I understand that I’m ruining his life and that he doesn’t care about me.”

Lou Ferrigno brought the Hulk to life throughout the 82 episodes of the TV series shown between 1978 and 1982. As well as being an actor and bodybuilder, he has also worked as a Sheriff’s Department officer in cities in Arizona and California.

Actor Lou Ferrigno

Actor Lou Ferrigno

The actor’s legal representatives have yet to make a public statement about the divorce proceedings filed by his wife and the accusations concerning his finances and his alleged mistress.

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