The Puerto Rican artist Ricky Martin assured that thanks to anxiety that he started a new project to help people suffering from depression or autism.

“It gave me a lot of anxiety, honestly. So I have worked little by little in my heart, in my mind and we are much better, but I did not know that there was a diagnosis, that this had a name called anxiety, it is something serious, I went through anxiety, I felt cornered, I was short of breath, and this is something that I have to share with the public, because I know that I am not the only one who is going through this,” he said.

“We started to create a technology that has helped us a lot, not only for the sound of music, it is called Orbital Audio and with this technology I am doing a study that thanks to this auditory dimensional situation that we have created we will be able to treat depression, we are going to be able to treat anxiety, even people who are within the autism spectrum have benefited”, he explained.

On the other hand, Angelica took advantage of the moment to shout her love from the rooftops, despite the fact that the two are happily married.

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