The image shows the celebrity sleeping in a chair, with her head back and her mouth ajar.
The person responsible for making this picture public has been her trusted hairdresser, Chris Appleton, who could not resist portraying her in that way when Kim took the opportunity to take a nap while combing her long hair.

The Kim Kardashian photo everyone is talking about.
“Oh my god, he’s on everyone’s profile now. I’m crying,” said the television star on Twitter after seeing himself everywhere on the social network.
The controversial divorce of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West
After living apart for a while, officially Kim Kardashian and Kanye West will face divorce proceedings.
The businesswoman finally decided to end her relationship with her former husband for almost seven years. According to the documentation presented this Friday by Kardashian, the legal relationship that existed came to an end; It was also learned that he is asking for legal and physical custody of the four children he had with rapper North, Saint, Chicago and Psalm.
“They have reached the point where they have not shared time as a married couple for months. They have seen each other for the sake of children, but have been living separate lives. Kim knows the marriage is over. He’s known for a while, a source commented to entertainment site E! News.”
According to the TMZ website, the exact date they will sign the divorce decree has not yet been confirmed but they have definitely started the process after months of speculation.
West agrees to give the children to his current wife, including, in terms of the distribution of assets, in which the couple had reached an agreement before marrying. So this issue will not have other complications, TMZ refers. Likewise, with respect to other pending properties, they are already in the process of dialogue.
At the end of the year the parents of the beautiful children got together, but only for their well-being, since they had all kinds of communication since February. From that date Kanye left the home he shared with the family.
“She is trying to stay strong and get on with her life. It’s no longer about marriage. She will always worry about Kanye, but it’s over, “the source commented to that media outlet. “Kim is focused on what is best for children. It is a difficult decision for her and she is taking it”.
The celebrity problems began in mid-2020, when the fellow composer and producer launched his candidacy for the presidency of the United States.