One of the representatives of forró says she is undergoing speech therapy

Known for her strong voice, Solange Almeida is treating a lesion on her vocal cords caused by her addiction to electronic cigarettes. One of the representatives of forró says that, for nine months, she consumed the product, which can have different flavors, on a daily basis.

“Seeing my friend using it, I’d never used it before. [I was told ‘there’s no problem with this, it’s water-based, there’s no nicotine in it’. I started having trouble breathing, my voice didn’t come out properly, it wasn’t the same anymore,” she said in an interview with Domingo Espetacular (Record).

During the recording, the singer wore a device in her throat as part of the treatment. She now undergoes speech therapy and is accompanied by a professional before her concerts. “After in-depth examinations, I discovered that I had a lesion on my vocal cords and in my lung.”

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