The judge presiding over Johnny Depp’s defamation lawsuit against his ex-wife Amber Heard on Tuesday dismissed a motion to quash filed by the actress’ lawyers. After three weeks of debates in court in Fairfax, near Washington, the lawyers for the 36-year-old actress had asked the judge, Penney Azcarate, to dismiss the complaint, considering that the star of the franchise Pirates of the Caribbean did not provide evidence of defamation.
“The court should accept this motion to quash because of the overwhelming evidence that it was he, in fact, who assaulted Amber,” said the actress’ lawyer, Ben Rottenborn, before calling his first witness.
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Johnny Depp’s lawyer, Benjamin Chew, for his part asked the judge to dismiss the request saying that Amber Heard “is the aggressor in this courtroom”. This request, common in the American legal system, is rarely granted.
Judge Azcarate considered that there were enough elements to continue the trial and leave the seven jurors the power to decide the outcome of the complaint.
Johnny Depp, 58, claims his ex-wife ruined his reputation and career after he penned a 2018 op-ed in the Washington Post, in which she described herself as a victim of domestic violence without, however, citing her former husband. He is seeking $50 million in damages.
The actor, who testified for four days, denies having ever raised a hand on his ex-wife, assuring that it was she who was violent. Amber Heard has counterattacked and is seeking $100 million, claiming to have suffered “physical abuse and assault” before and during their tumultuous marriage which lasted only two years, from 2015 to 2017.