Many of us believe that to be rich you have to earn well, however, if you have a job that seems poorly paid, you can generate wealth, as long as you have good financial habits
It is true that having a good income makes life easier, however, it is not decisive. Even if you have a normal job, one of those 9 to 5 jobs, and it seems that it is not well paid, it is up to you to become rich. We will tell you the key to achieve it.
Despite what we might think, the secret to becoming rich in America is more about how you spend than how much you earn. Yes, the income you generate is essential to achieve certain financial goals, but if you spend everything you earn, you will never generate wealth (and it happens to many). Someone who earns a regular salary and lives frugally has a better chance of becoming rich than someone who earns better but spends it all instantly.
There are many people in America living paycheck to paycheck, regardless of whether they earn a five or six figure salary, largely due to a lack of control over their spending, especially with the help of creating a budget. . Whether you do it the traditional way with pen and paper or take advantage of technology and download a mobile application, the important thing is that you carry out, guide yourself and be disciplined in the expenses foreseen in your budget.
Another important aspect, along with the budget, is to increase your income, if you wish, but not your lifestyle. It is very common for people who increase their earnings, either because they received a better salary or because their business is doing better than expected, live the phenomenon of the progressive lifestyle, spending more and more to match their income.
As we said, the problem is not to acquire more profits, but to live beyond your means. According to a recent study, 1 in 3 people earning $250,000 live “paycheck to paycheck” in the US To prevent this from happening, even if you receive an increase in income, try to maintain a more frugal lifestyle.
Finally, if you are going to “spend”, do it in aspects that can generate more money, for example, in the purchase of company shares and investment in the stock market. Warren Buffett, the renowned oracle of Omaha, has also said that there is no better investment than the one you make in yourself, in your knowledge and preparation. Finance books, courses, and Just Money are part of this investment.
Be patient, getting rich is not an overnight thing, do not despair and use the money you earn more intelligently, whether you earn a little or a lot.