It is one of the star studies of the company, Obsidian is immersed in several developments, among which are Grounded, Pentiment or Avowed among others. However, and although now the situation between both parties is positive, it was not always like this, Microsoft already tried to buy obsidian in the past without much success. They even started developing an exclusive game that ended up being cancelled.
Of course, history has changed a lot, starting with the change of direction, with Phil Spencer now leading the latest negotiations and the entire Xbox division in general. Which possibly helped the studio take the leap it never took in the past.
Phil Spencer was the key to the Obsidian purchase
And that Spencer was in charge was certainly a good sign for the purchase to materialize. At least that is what he has assured in a recent interview with Feargus Urquhart in the IGN media. And it is that for Urquhart the key to all this was to see the honesty of Spencer.
I didn’t know Phil Spencer well at the time, I probably only spoke to him once or twice up to that point. But what’s so interesting with Phil is that it’s this, I don’t know, I don’t want to say he’s a ‘person’ in the end, because he’s Phil Spencer and because he runs all the Microsoft games. But now that I knew him, and even what I knew about him back then, his reputation was just that he was someone who was authentic and honest and loved games. And that was the confidence in it.