The president of the United States, Joe Biden, will offer brief comments on Tuesday about the rapid spread of the omicron variant of the new coronavirus in the country and the steps that his administration is taking to address this situation, according to the White House.

“The president will meet with his Covid-19 Response Team to receive an update on the omicron variant and discuss his administration’s response,” an official told Citizen Free Press on Monday night.

What Biden Will Say

At the briefing, the President will hear about resources and staff recently dispatched to states and local communities to assist with staffing needs and hospital capacity for covid-19 treatments.

We will also hear from doctors about the latest data on the omicron variant, including that while cases continue to rise, fully vaccinated and boosted Americans who have become infected may not have severe symptoms.

In brief remarks, the President will address the American people about these updates, as well as the importance of continuing to use the tools that we know protect the American people: vaccines, boosters, and mask wear.

Waiting for the covid-19 test distribution plan

Biden’s comments come at a time when his administration has yet to offer full details on its plan to distribute 500 million COVID-19 tests for free via a website.

The administration is still in the procurement process, said an official, who decides which companies will supply the tests.

Health experts have warned that the national shortage of rapid tests at home comes during a critical period, as the omicron variant affects daily life.

Biden had also told reporters early Monday that he would “later” address the change in isolation guidelines from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), although he did not elaborate.

The CDC has faced criticism from outside physicians for failing to include a recommendation to retest at the end of the five-day window of isolation after a positive COVID-19 test result.

“I’ll tell you about that later,” Biden told Citizen Free Press.

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