They say that Isabel Pantoja misses her grandchildren more than her children. She hasn’t seen them in a long time and she had a big hot flash when Kiko broke his word to bring his two daughters closer to her on the last weekend of October.
The tonadillera had prepared everything including a great welcome for the girls, and at the last minute their son backed down and did not appear for Cantora.
Isabel, when she asked Kiko the reasons for not visiting, she found a simple “I have work”. But he did not specify another date for the reunion.
If it is true that mother and son smoothed out rough edges and forgot their outrages the day grandmother Ana died, it is not understood that they have not resumed a normal life, lavishing family encounters that, so far, have not occurred.
Since her mother passed away, Isabel is locked up in the farm and doesn’t feel like doing anything. Of course, she dreams of singing again, with that pending tour in Latin America, and even with settling in Mexico, where the friends of the late Juan Gabriel would welcome her with open arms.
She has already discussed it with her brother Agustín, who would follow her to the Aztec country without hesitation.
The one described as “Rasputín de Cantora”, due to the enormous influence he has on his mediatic sister, would have it very difficult to start from scratch, and alone, in Spain. His singing career was cut short when he decided to dedicate his body and soul to Isabel, and it is not part of their future plans to recover it.
He is a taciturn man, with very few friends, he barely interacts with the rest of his family, nor do his nephews, Isa and Kiko, have him in their prayers, and it remains to be seen if it is true that the dj has decided to withdraw the complaint he filed in court against his uncle.
As for Isa, she never had a good relationship with him, she is not his saint and prefers to keep him away. They neither love nor understand each other.
Someone who knows the Pantoja family very well wonders that why don’t Kiko and Isa care about their mother at a time when her decay is total and she does not raise her head. Today she needs you more than ever and she does not have them.
Nor does she find in the affection of her grandchildren, whom, as we have said, she does not see, the balm that would alleviate in a certain way her enormous inner grief.