The journalist has added a new tattoo to her left forearm
“Everything in life is impermanence, nothing you enjoy today is guaranteed for tomorrow, repeating that daily, having that awareness makes you enjoy more the moment you are in, the decisions you have to make or your reality, per se, whatever. Difficult times are part of impermanence, they won’t be there forever. Understanding the impermanence of everything that surrounds us frees us.”
Her fans have applauded the choice of the new tattoo that she accompanies with a photo. “Pretty friend of conscience. Moving all the time, in everything and with everything. Liberator”, the singer Vanesa Martín has written to her.
“Everything is impermanent, comadre!”, Added her friend Isabel Jiménez.
The journalist has several tattoos. At the beginning of summer, one was made together with the journalist Isabel Jiménez, a blood pact that they signed with “life.” Also when Martín was born she got the word ‘sunshine’ tattooed on her left wrist, the affectionate nickname with which she referred to her eldest son.