Several alleged eyewitnesses came out in defense of Justin in networks to affirm that he was actually telling an anecdote to Hailey And if he was yelling and gesturing exaggeratedly, it was because he was still excited after getting off the stage.
I took this of Justin right before that video was taken. He was on STRAIGHT adrenaline from performing. He wasn’t mad at Hailey and he wasn’t yelling at her. I hate how he’s always painted as the bad guy when he’s the furthest thing from it
— 🤍 (@biebsclubhouse)
July 11, 2021
One tweeter explained: “I recorded this of Justin just before that video was taken. I was on full adrenaline after performing. He wasn’t mad at Hailey and he wasn’t yelling at her. I hate how they always paint him as the bad guy when he’s the furthest thing from it. ”
Another user commented: “My friends and I were with / behind him all night; he was in the best mood and was telling him a story, but the damn internet loves its little sets.”