Since the sequel to Remnant: From the Ashes, Renmant II, was announced at The Game Awards in December, we’ve had a few glimpses of the game’s future canine companion, but what can man’s best friend really do when he’s face monsters of such caliber? Well, it seems like a lot, judging by the latest information.
gun games gave us a new trailer for Remnant II detailing the Handler class, and there’s no denying that the accompanying dog plays a huge role. Our four-legged friend will not be a simple meat obstacle with which to entertain our enemies, since he is able to do a lot of damage and divert their attention from us. And not only that, it will also try to revive us and our teammates if we get downed, as well as boost different abilities depending on the locations you have selected and the orders you give it.
Sounds good, right? So it’s good that we accelerate his healing by caressing him and that we can revive him if he is “killed”.
What do you think of the future Handler class in Renmant II? Take a look at its trailer below.