There prostitution invaded the streets of the urbanization Risso. However, behind the women who offer their sexual services on the streets, there are organizations that intimidate them by imposing quotas on them in exchange for letting them work quietly in the crowded area. The high sums raised have attracted the attention of other criminal gangs who want to take over the premises.
The clashes between these were recorded during the two shootings recorded last week in Double and the region of Santa Beatriz. The first on April 9 occurred between the organization pure hitman brothers against the alliance of Alayon dynasty there God’s Children. The latter reached the front of the building where the criminals are being held and started shooting.
The bullets provoked the reaction of those responsible for guarding the premises. Members of the Puros hermanos sicarios fired on the attackers, but they quickly escaped the scene. The images broadcast by Panorama show the reaction of all the people inside the building. Loaded with pistols and grenades, the criminals came to the aid of their peers; however, they soon all left the facility.
“Lince belongs to us”, we hear in an audio sent by Josรฉ รngel Ortega, alias Armando, leader of the Children of God. This band, according to the thesis of the National Police of Peru, would have allied with the Alayรณn Dynasty under the direction of Hรฉctor Prieto Materiano, alias Mamut. The latter is serving his sentence in a Peruvian prison, but from there he continues with the direction of his criminal group.
Mamut sends threats to his enemies and claims to have reached agreements to finalize his release in the coming weeks. “I’m going to kill you very hard”, are the words of someone who would already have control of the quota of prostitutes in San Martรญn de Porres and downtown Lima. Now he intends to take over the Risso urbanization located in Lince with attacks that force his opponents to leave the place.
note in development