Cristina Kirchner He will return to dominate the political scene by his mere presence and a new discourse intended for federal justice, where the cases that concern him the most are dealt with. This afternoon, he will take part in the meeting entitled “Popular will and democracy. From the military party to the judicial partythreats to democracy.
The meeting is at the Kirchner Cultural Center (CCK), around 7:00 p.m., at the same place where yesterday Alberto Fernandez He proposed an institutional discourse, without political signals rooted in the election year. The president compared his running mate’s situation to that of Evo Morales in Bolivia, but avoided giving it more prominence in a speech that also criticized justice.
The vice-president will have the support of the Puebla Groupwhere former presidents Rafael Correa (Ecuador), Evo Morales (Bolivia), Ernesto Samper (Colombia) and José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero (Spain) meet, who organized the event and traveled to Argentina to be present.
The meeting was supposed to take place at the end of last year, after the CFK attack, but the former president contracted Covid-19 and the date was postponed. At that time, Kirchnerisme had planned a strong mobilization in the streets of Buenos Aires with the support of the various sectors of the Frente de Todos. Today there will be no such call.

The only thing similar to this moment on the calendar is the bad relationship between Cristina Kirchner and Alberto Fernández. It unites them because both are still part of the national government, beyond the fact that they don’t speak to each other, have parallel agendas, and Chicanas cross paths in a time-spanning public battle.
This afternoon’s event will allow Kirchnerism to give centrality to the most important leader of the ruling coalition. Just when the presidential circle is talking about the end of “Kirchnerian Hegemony” and the need for a discussion of power to renew the direction of Peronism. That is to say, to reduce the power and the centrality of Cristina Kirchner.
Yesterday, the president was locked in different messages aimed at supporting the vice president. The Human Rights Secretary, Horace Pietragalla Cortiassured that they denounced the law “as a means of intervening in elections and voting”, because “they choose a political reference and this political project cannot be carried out through judicial intervention”.
The Nobel Peace Prize, Adolfo Perez EsquivelHe also aimed for justice and declared that “judicial reform is necessary” and underlined “the whole campaign he is waging against Cristina Kirchner”. In the same spirit, he expressed Taty Almeidaof Mothers of Plaza de Mayo, Línea Fundadora, who warned that “it cannot be the judicial party that does not continue to investigate the attack on the beloved vice president”.

That is to say that since yesterday part of the management more linked to Kirchnerism has enhanced the image of Cristina Kirchner and left that of Fernández relegated, with whom they also get along well. The Head of State was surrounded by a pro-CFK speech at a time when his political rivalry with her is the most tense.
Cristina Kirchner will reappear in public in a sensitive instance of the official internal. In the last hours a new chapter has been added but with an unexpected actor: Sergio Massa. The Minister of the Economy annoyed by the questions in private which, as he understands, come from leaders close to Alberto Fernández.
“Alberto’s request is to take care of Sergio and help him in any way possible”, they indicated in the presidential entourage, in addition to maintaining that there was no deliberate attack against the boss of the Palais des Finances. An unexpected front of conflict has arisen for the Head of State, after a year and a half accustomed to the permanent attacks of Kirchnerism.
The climate has become rare in the government after the anger of Massa escaped, who yesterday dealt a blow to the political agenda by deciding the intervention of Edesur and the appointment of the mayor of Avellaneda, Jorge Ferraresia CFK loyalist, as controller of the company.

In Peronism there is always a certain expectation of Cristina Kirchner’s words, although lately the impact of her definitions has been less and less. There’s a regular VP style, who always tends to send messages between the lines addressed to the intern playing with Fernández. His word neither weighs nor mobilizes as much as before.
Kirchnerism will take advantage of CFK’s public reappearance to continue pushing the operational outcry for its candidacy. At this stage of the election year and while the vice-president gives free rein to political acts where she is asked to be a candidate, in Peronism there is great uncertainty about what she will ultimately resolve.
Will she be a presidential candidate? To the senator? Or will she comply with her sentence of not being a candidate for anything? The role he will have in the next elections is uncertain, so his candidacy is still latent, in a dismembered national government without a clear direction.
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