Alfredo Adame owes more than 9 million pesos to the SAT (GlobeLiveMedia México)

Alfredo Adame again I would face problems with the Ministry of Financeas he supposedly owes over 9 million pesos to the Tax Administration Service (SAT) for various concepts.

In a document with which the Treasury notified the controversial actor of his debt and which was made public by the magazine TVyNovelasit is read that they had to immobilize your accounts banks since it owes millions of pesos since 2017.

On the first page of this notification it is read that, as mentioned by Diana Golden, the protagonist of beyond the bridge you have no money in some of your accounts; in two of them it has 0.00 pesos; However, at the time of immobilization (January 23, 2023) in a third he had a little more than 260 thousand pesos.

On this first sheet it is mentioned that the actor has no money on two of his accounts (Screenshot/SAT)
On this first sheet it is mentioned that the actor has no money on two of his accounts (Screenshot/SAT)

When this debt started, as stated in the notification, the concept of debt was “Non-value added tax, moral and physical personal installment payments”, “Value added tax”, among others.

Similarly, the document mentions “Surcharges for contributions and/or use”, which is a list of 15 payments that have not been made. In addition to those already mentioned, supplements are also mentioned for each month in which full payment has not been made.

It shows updated taxes through February 23, 2023; since there are debts since 2010, in some cases the number has doubled.

On this sheet, the sum of the payments that have not been made is made and Alfredo Adame's total debt is mentioned (Screenshot/SAT)
On this sheet, the sum of the payments that have not been made is made and Alfredo Adame’s total debt is mentioned (Screenshot/SAT)

Up to the time of notification, according to the document, Alfredo owes a historical amount of 3 million 425 thousand 582 pesos (until April 4, 2016); however, due to surcharges, currently (calculated until June 2022) this number is 9 million 811 thousand 943 pesos.

The SAT reminds Adame that if he doesn’t pay, as he has done since this debt arose, the number will continue to increase.

“It is specified that, as long as it does not cover the total amount of the debt, the contribution will be discounted and will continue to attract surcharges for late payment or surcharges for failure to pay on time for each month or fraction that elapses until paid in full,” the notice reads.

Alfredo has faced the SAT on other occasions due to issues with his tax domicile (Gettyimages)
Alfredo has faced the SAT on other occasions due to issues with his tax domicile (Gettyimages)

It should be mentioned that despite the fact that the document was published on February 23, it was made public on March 1 of this year, so the protagonist of Under the Same Face would have already been notified two weeks ago.

So far, Alfredo Adame has not spoken on this debt.

Recall that in 2021 it was said that Adame would have been implicated in the process for not notifying the SAT of his change of tax address. As the actor explained, the tax administration department accused him “false declaration” since he and his accountant decided to change the tax address and when they went to check, the accountant’s mother denied it was Alfredo’s.

From this moment the lawsuit against the actor began. “(The judge) begins by saying that i am a delinquentthat I deceived authority and confuse gymnastics with magnesia and tie myself to the process,” he shared in an interview with Azucena Uresti in 2021.

The actor wouldn't currently have the first debt to the SAT, but this one that just came out (Getty Images)
The actor wouldn’t currently have the first debt to the SAT, but this one that just came out (Getty Images)

For this reason, the former driver of Hoy He could have paid a fine of around 20,000 pesos, but he applied for an amparo, but it was refused. Soon after, he made a deal with the SAT for which he only had to pay a fine of 3 thousand pesos.

Therefore, until 2022, the presenter told Ventaneando that he had already managed to settle his problems with the Treasury.

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