While it is true that everyone who has a formal job receives a salary every month thanks to their efforts, in some companies it is normal to give the economic advantage called utilities.
To receive them, a series of requirements must be met, such as the delivery date, since there is a limit for companies that have this responsibility take charge of your missions.
But who are those who can benefit from this advantage and what kind of companies deliver them?
This is an advantage recognized by the Political Constitution of Peru. It only applies to people who are lucky enough to work in companies that generate third-class income. This means that it corresponds to workers formally registered on the payroll of these companies.
In this sense, it should be taken into account that not all companies are required to pay for utilities. The reason? It is possible that some companies did not generate profits throughout the year 2022. That’s why it doesn’t match.
Another essential requirement for paying utilities is that companies must have with at least 20 workers so they automatically have the obligation to distribute the profits among all their employees.
In case you work within the state apparatus, remember that this is obliged to make a profit a, since they also fall within the spectrum of companies employing employees covered by the private activity regime.
On the other hand, it is sufficient that the worker has worked just one day in 2022 so you are already entitled to receive benefits. It turns out that these are calculated in two ways: by days and by remuneration, according to what labor lawyer Jaime Cuzquén pointed out to the Andina agency.
Based on this information, it is emphasized that the 50% of profits received by the workers is calculated in relation to the days worked in the company in 2022.
For the other half, the salary received by employees is taken into account. At the end the two amounts add up and this will be the figure that will correspond to the payment of utilities
In the same way, another of the obligations that bring benefits to their employees is that they must deliver a document explaining to each employee in detail how this amount was reached. This paper is called profit settlement.
The reason for this document is that the workers are not aware of how each delivery of profit was made. It will be by this formula that the employee will know everything And if you have any questions or complaintsyou can contact your employer directly to rectify the situation.
If, despite the employer’s explanations, the worker not be satisfiedyou have the power to ask for a full report that reveals the company’s financial statements to see whether or not this is reflected in its profits.
But, if despite everything, the employee is not satisfied with the company’s answers and doubts continue to assail him, then he has the possibility of contacting the National Superintendence of Labor Inspection (Sunafil).
In this body you can also ask financial state of the company to know the profits generated by the company. This will be the time when the employee inspector comes to visit the company in question.
In this situation, one of two situations may occur: if the company did not generate profitsthe case is closed immediately.
But if the company has generated profits and these have not been distributed, then it will mean an offense, it would be that it could be the reason for a sanction by the SUNAFIL.
This payment cannot be made at any time of the year that the company wishes, but there is a fixed term for it. It will depend on last digit of RUC that the company has
The time limit for payment of this benefit begins after the company submits its Income Tax (IR) Affidavit. Therefore, each company will have a period of 30 days to make the deposit.