Juan Ignacio Graña, 38, the stabbed man Thursday 2 at the intersection of Olazábal and Pacheco, in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Villa Urquiza, he died this morning after five days of hospitalization at the Pirovano Hospital.
Graña had been taken to hospital after being stabbed to death for an unusual reason: blocking the exit of a disused garage with his truck.
the aggressor, Pedro B., 20, who lives in the block where the incident occurred, was arrested by the municipal police and transferred with the instructions of the police to a hospital for evaluation. He is still detained to this day, in a file in charge of magistrate Martín Peluso. A first version indicated that it would be a psychiatric patient. Judge Peluso is still awaiting clinical history records to confirm this version. However, the Forensic Medical Corps said that the attacker is able to testify.
“In principle, this could be considered attributable”provides a source of the case.
Hey, Peter B -initially accused of attempted homicide- is charged with the crime after the death of Graña with the change of qualification.
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