There violence against women stay in the red Mexicoafter the containment due to the Covid-19 pandemic generated which girls, adolescents and women were attacked by gender reason, the consequences of which can even go as far as his murder. However, these murders are not always classified and investigated by the authorities as femicide.
Within the framework of International Women’s Day, the Belisario Domínguez Institute of the Senate of the Republic presented a report showing that between 2015 and 2022, a total of 27 thousand 133 murders of girls, teenagers and women across the country, but a large proportion of them are classified and investigated as intentional homicides.
Based on data from the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System (SESNSP), the report reveals that out of the total number of murders, only 6,689 were classified as femicidethat is to say only One over four.
Another relevant data in the report is the amount of feminicides and intentional homicides classified by age. For the study, three classifications were used: over 18, under 18 and those in which the investigating authorities did not communicate the age of the victim.
Thus, between 2015 and 2022, 21 thousand 229 murders and intentional homicides were perpetrated in women over 18which represents 78.2%.
Whereas in the case of murders for women under 18, it is equivalent to 8%, i.e. 2,166 were registered; another 13.8% corresponds to cases in which the age of the victim was not established.
According to the Ministry of the Interior (Segob), currently 25 have been declared Alerts on gender-based violence against women in 22 entities of the country, including a range of up to 643 municipalities out of a total of 2,446 municipalities that make up the country.
This alert includes the application of Shares urgently to confront and eradicate femicide violence or what aggravates the exercise of women’s human rights.
The agency indicates that the three entities with the highest number of municipalities in which the gender violence alert has been activated are the State of Mexicowhere 11 municipalities have specific measures to deal with this scourge since July 31, 2015.
The alert has been activated for the municipalities of Ecatepec, NezahualcoyotlTlalnepantla, the state capital, TolucaChalco, Chimalhuacán, Naucalpan, Tultitlán, Ixtapaluca, Valle de Chalco and Cuautitlán Izcalli.
Another entity is Michoacanwhere there are 14 municipalities with alert for gender violence against women since June 27, 2016. The demarcations are MoreliaUruapan, Lazarus Cardenas, Zamora, Apatzingan, Zitacuaro, The Kings, Patzcuaro, Tacambaro, Mercy, Sahuayo, Maravatio, Huetamo and Noble.
As well as Veracruzwhere the Segob declaration entered into force on November 23, 2016 for 11 municipalities: coatzacoalcosBoca del Río, Tuxpan, Veracruz, Xalapa, Minatitlán, Orizaba, Córdoba, Las Choapas, Martínez de la Torre, Poza Rica.
The other entities with municipalities with a gender alert are Morelos, Chiapas, New LeoSinaloa, Colima, San Luis Potosí, Guerrero, Quintana Roo, Nayarit, Zacatecas, Oaxaca, Durango, Campeche, Jalisco, Puebla and Baja California.
Despite the fact that some of these entities this alert has been active since 2015, the measurement of the results of the Shares implemented are still in compliance or are partially filled in 86% of cases.
In November 2019, at Mexico City the Gender Based Violence Alert Statement was activated. Among the actions included in this measure is the creation of the Public Sex Offender Registrythe approval of the Olimpia law, among others.