He National Weather Service (NMS) issued a Red alert for the City and the Province of Buenos Airess for this friday extreme heat. Similarly, high temperatures will continue throughout the weekend.
The alert was issued Thursday afternoon and will last until Friday afternoon. reached at CABAas well as Almirante Brown, Avellaneda, Berazategui, Florencio Varela, Lanús, Lomas de Zamora, President Perón, Quilmes.
Moreover, the high temperatures will be felt in Berisso, Ensenada, La Plata, San Vicente and Magdalena, as well as in Brandsen, Cañuelas, Saladillo, Roque Pérez, Navarro, Monte, Lobos, Las Flores, General Paz, General Belgrano, General Alvear, La Matanza, Esteban Echeverria, Merlo and Ezeiza.
In the case of the City and the neighborhoods concerned of Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area (AMBA), the maximum expected will be around 36 degrees, while the thermometer could reach 38 degrees in the central-eastern region of the territory of Buenos Aires.
These levels of heat are considered “very dangerous” as they can affect anyone, even healthy people, which is why the SMN has decided to raise the alert. For this reason, it is important to maintain all precautions to avoid a heatstroke such as, for example, avoiding exposure to the sun, reducing physical activity during the hottest hours, staying in ventilated places, paying attention to your diet, not consuming alcoholic beverages and closely monitoring children and older people with any symptoms.
A picture of these features usually causes body temperatures between 39 and 40 degrees; red, hot, dry skin; rapid breathing and heartbeat; throbbing headaches; altered mental state; and until seizures.
Despite the fact that the agency’s warning is only valid for this Friday, temperatures will continue to be high over the weekend, as maximum temperatures above 30 degrees are forecast for Saturday and Sunday in areas under alert.
Orange and yellow alerts: other neighborhoods will also experience high temperatures
The SMN has also published a amber alert and a yellow for other neighborhoods in Buenos Aires where the heat will also be felt. In this sense, in the parties of Escobar, San Fernando, San Isidro, Tigre, Vicente López, General San Martín, Hurlingham, Ituzaingó, José C. Paz, Malvinas Argentinas, Moreno, Morón, Pilar, San Miguel and Tres de Febrero , governs the alert for temperatures that can have a moderate to high effect on health.
The maximum expected in these municipalities oscillate between 30 and 36 degrees, while Saturday there could be some precipitation around noon. However, the rain that would bring no relief, as they would chase the heat with a wind chill near 32°C.
Campana, Exaltación de la Cruz, San Antonio de Areco, Zárate, General Las Heras, General Rodríguez, Luján, Marcos Paz, Mercedes, San Antonio de Giles, Suipacha, Alberti, Bragado, Chivilcoy, General Viamonte, are in the same situation. July 9 and May 25. Some of these jurisdictions will start on Saturday with storms and a minimum of 19°C, but in the afternoon the situation will improve and the thermometer will again reach 33°C.
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Chascomús, Castelli, Dolores, Lezama, Punta Indio, Tordillo, Pila, Ayacucho, Balcarce, General Guido, Maipú, General Madariaga, Mar Chiquita and General Pueyrredón will present similar conditions.
In most of the remaining neighborhoods of Buenos Aires, they are under a yellow alert due to high temperatures, which means that weather conditions that could become hazardous to health could occur; especially, for children and adults over the age of 65.
A large part of the provinces of Santa Fe, Cordoba there Between rivers They are also under yellow alert, with the exception of the neighborhoods of Entre Ríos close to Paranain which an orange alert for high temperatures governs.
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