After Raphael Cardozo reveal that he asked for her engagement ring from Carol Realicriticism was not long in coming. Magali Medina was no exception. For the journalist, Cachaca He deserves a monument for waiting so long for a proposal and enduring ridicule from the Brazilian. As you remember, the garoto always said “next year” whenever asked about the future marriage. There were even occasions where he assured “when the pandemic will end”.
Rafael Cardozo commented on Cachaza’s posts with her boyfriend André Bankoff: “There must have been some mourning”
The former member of ‘Esto es Guerra’ opened his heart in an interview with Yaco Eskenazi, for ‘Estás en Todas’. The Brazilian spoke about Carol Reali’s new relationship.
Magali Medina pointed out that Raphael Cardozo You have the right to talk about what happened and went through in your relationship, but you can’t go out and “victimize” yourself.
“Poor victim, poor, they left him and in addition they have already exchanged him for another. They even took the spoons, that is, poor Cachaza waited 12 years for him to deign to give her a ring, who also, at the end of the relationship, asked him to return it. It seems to me to be in bad taste, an absolute lack of chivalry and, above all, a lack of class, because a woman who supported and supported you for 12 years, at least you leave that as compensation for the lost years, in loving compensation for the years that have waited for you You don’t take it away, you don’t ask him to give it back,” she said mortified.
The journalist also criticized Raphael Cardozo He said the blonde shouldn’t have exposed their new relationship out of respect. “Dare to tell Cachaza why she hasn’t mourned, why she doesn’t have her partner in private out of respect for the relationship they had, why would a man who made her wait 12 years respect for her Year after year the poor thing went out to rock public because she justified the date of the wedding, he publicly promised her in This is War “it’s not that we’re getting married next year , next year’ and that’s how 2015, 2016 passed. , 2017, 2018, every year,” he said.

For the TV host, the unfolding situation was embarrassing Carol Reali for trying to justify his partner, who did not decide to take a new step in the relationship. “The poor man no longer knew what to answer, what a pity,” he said.

Carol Reali’s Ring: How Many Thousands of Dollars This Engagement Piece Cost Rafael Cardozo
In an interview, the Brazilian revealed that Carol Reali had the value of a car on her finger, which is why she asked for the ring. An expert gave the approximate cost.
“She had to justify herself, the poor thing deserves a monument, she deserves to have spent the last mop in the apartment because logically there is compensation for the time that a man gave her, they lived together” , did he declare. Magali Medina.
For the driver of Magaly TV The Firmit’s a lie that the ring that Raphael Cardozo I give them to Cachaca to be so expensive, as the Brazilian said. Even in “America Today”an expert indicated that the coin would be valued at 30 or 40 thousand dollars.

Rodrigo González and Gigi Miter disagree with Rafael Cardozo for asking ‘Cachaza’ for the ring
The ‘Amor y Fuego’ drivers disagreed with the Brazilian’s decision to keep the engagement ring he gave to his ex-partner.
“Now he’s like ‘oh he couldn’t deliver a ring after 12 years. She had a car in her hand. He doesn’t have a car, he doesn’t have an apartment and he’s going to give her a car in the ring is funny. A second class car will be, a third class car will be a junk car. You can’t get the price of a ring just by looking at it, the gemologist has to see the ring, see it well with your magnifying glass, see if it has the four Cs (color, purity, size and weight in carats)”, he indicated the journalist, who also does not believe that Rafael Cardozo has much cried at the end of the relationship, because it had been bad for a long time.