Before leaving the house, check Mazatenango weather forecast for the following hours of this Saturday.
In Mazatenango, we expect a maximum temperature of 33 degrees Celsius and a minimum of 20 degrees Celsius.
As for the rain the probability of precipitation for this city will be 6% during the day and 2% at night.
In the same direction, the cloudiness will be 20% during the day and 7% at night. While the gusts of wind they will reach 46 kilometers per hour during the day and 17 kilometers per hour at night.
Watch out for the sun, UV rays should reach a level of up to 9.
The climate of this Guatemalan city is tropical with a subtype identified as Amazonian or subequatorial, i.e. throughout the year there are high temperatures and excessive rainfall.
In Mazatenango the dry season It starts at the end of November and continues until the beginning of April. The rest of the year, from May to October, the rains predominate.
What’s the weather like in Guatemala?
Being on the Tropic of Cancer, in the nation of Guatemala, the climate is mainly tropical.
However, the weather varies according to the regions of the country, whether in the plains and coasts or in the mountains.
On the coasts and plains, which cover most of Guatemala, the climate is mainly tropical, while in the mountainous areas the prevailing weather is dry and cool.
the rainy season in Guatemala it begins in May and continues until October, while the dry season It runs from December to April.