After the confirmation of the first case of avian flu in Jujuy, at the end of last week, the National Service for Health and Food Quality (Senasa) reported the detection of new positive cases. In this case, in Cordoba and Salta. Even, as confirmed by sources of the national entity in GlobeLiveMediaanother was also identified in the Santa Fe. They also indicated that “as part of the declared health emergencyin the province of Entre Rios They are executed preventive checks at the border with Uruguay, where a case was detected in the department of Maldonado.
Avian flu: what are the 5 recommendations for traveling inside and outside the country
This week, a health emergency was declared in Argentina due to the detection of avian flu in wild birds. What are Senasa’s prevention tips for transfers
Through a press release, the national health and food quality entity confirmed “new cases of avian influenza (AI) H5 In backyard turkeys (Note: raised on family farms) found dead in Cordoba, town of Alejo Ledesma”. He even pointed out that on the way to La Isla, Department of Cerrillos, Saltaanother was identified “in a chicken Also court”.
But that’s not all, as they pointed out. Sources of Senasa on this mediait’s confirmed “a new one in Villa Cañas, Santa Fe”. Faced with this situation, the national entity “reinforced controls epidemiological surveillance before detection of avian influenza cases to prevent the spread of disease.
They are analyzing a suspected case of avian flu in Jujuy and the government will announce preventive measures
A bird of the biguá species appeared as a possible case in a rural area in the north of the country. Senasa analyzes the samples to determine if it is the H5N1 virus
“In provinces of Cordoba and Salta Senasa serves the backyard casemakes surveys in areas where positive cases have been detected and sweeping and surveillance continues in both territories. Furthermore, as part of the declared health emergencyin the province of Entre RiosThey are executed preventive checks at the border with Uruguay Or detected a case in the department of Maldonado,” they added..
On Wednesday February 15, the Secretary for Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of the Nation, Juan Jose Bahillo confirmed the first case of avian influenza (H5N1). As indicated during a press conference, it is a wild migratory bird, of the species Huallata or Andean Goose, which was found in Jujuy. “Confirmation of the entry of the virus into the country puts us on alert but it does not surprise us. For some time we have been working on the prevention of this virus, which unfortunately cannot be controlled due to the migration of birds. “, they indicated, while pointing out that it was detected in the Pozuelos lagoon, in the northwest of the said province.
Avian flu: what is it, how is it transmitted and what is the risk for humans
Argentina has confirmed the first case in the country. It is a wild migratory bird, found in Jujuy. What are the most important points to take into account in the face of the H5N1 virus and the main recommendations
In the meantime, this Saturday, the second case of bird flu in two wild ducks found dead, in Las Mojarras Lagoon in the department of Córdoba of General San Martín. They arrived on the spot after a notification made by the Environmental Police of Córdoba and took the samples which were sent for analysis and diagnosis to the Agency’s laboratory in Martínez, province of Buenos Aires.
A few hours later, Senasa confirmed new cases of avian influenza (AI) H5 In backyard turkeysthat is to say, raised within the framework of the family farmingr, after being found dead. On this occasion, even if it was also in Cordoba, were detected in the town of Alejo Ledesma. They also reported a new case in a chicken, also from a barnyard, residing on the way to La Isla, Department of Cerrillos, Salta. In the meantime, this Sunday, Senasa confirmed at GlobeLiveMedia “a new case in Villa Canas, Santa Fe”.
As they pointed out, under its Resolution 147, a health emergency has been established due to the presence of AI in wild geese in the Pozuelos Lagoon, in the province of Jujuy. For this reason, Senasa coordinates these monitoring actions with the National Parks Administration, the national ministries of Environment and Sustainable Development, Health and Safety and the Department of Wildlife. In this sense, they indicated the actions that are being carried out in areas where positive cases have already been detected.
Cordoba: confirmed positive cases of avian flu by the Senasa laboratory, in two wild ducks from the Laguna de Las Mojarras in the department of General San Martín, and in backyard turkeys located in Alejo Ledesma in Córdoba, technicians and officials of the Agency accompanied by personnel from the Environmental Police of the Provincial Coordinating Ministry inspected the facilities and conditions of the establishment where the animals were found. “Staff checked the general condition of the animals that were on the property, took samples for analysis,” they said.
Likewise, they indicated that “a perimeter around the property has been delimited to comb and check for possible dead birds or those showing symptoms compatible with the disease; while they interviewed neighbors, owners of the establishment and those who made the notifications. In this context, 7 declarations were processed, samples were taken and sent to the laboratory. They even agreed to “strengthen the lines of contact and stress the importance of notification in the event of suspicion or sighting of dead birds”.
Salta: from the national entity they affirmed that “the barnyard establishment where the positive occurred has been banned and sanitary measures have been adopted at the same time as, in coordination with the Ministry of Production of the province, and the staff of the National Institute of Agricultural Technology (Inta) established a containment zone based on detection and suspicions related to epidemiology”. Similarly, road checks have been reinforced in collaboration with the national gendarmerie to demarcate the area.
Between rivers: even if no cases detected, Senasa has implemented “surveillance actions and reinforced border controls in the province, increasing the personnel who carry out the functions at the points of entry into the country, on the border with Uruguay, given that a case of AI has been registered in this country”. “In revenue coming by land from Uruguay on the bridges “Gral. San Martín” (Gualeguaychu/Fray Bentos), “Gral. Artigas” (Colón/Paysandu), “Salto Grande” (Concordia/Salto), the disinsection of all vehicles has been implemented, adding the action to the checks of travelers’ luggage and existing commercial cargo”, they have detailed.
Borders: on the other hand, from the National Entity for Health and Agrifood Quality, they affirmed that they are carried out “border controls with Brazil, Bolivia and Paraguay where it checks daily, at the border checkpoints, compliance with the requirements for exported and imported commercial goods, as well as the control of the luggage of travelers entering the Argentine Republic”.
It is worth remembering that in the event of the presence or suspicion of clinical signs compatible with HPAI in birds or the discovery of dead domestic and/or wild birds, notify in Senasa by going to one of its offices; through “Senasa Notifications” App, by sending an e-mail to [email protected]; by entering the “Notify Senasa” section of the organization’s website or by sending a WhatsApp at 11-5700-5704.
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