Pluto is an adaptation of the homonymous manga written and illustrated by Naoki Urasawa, himself inspired by Astro Boy by Osamu Tezuka. Hailed by many as a masterpiece, the series is based on the greatest robot on the face of the earth, and its plot delivers a No to War message. It is one of the most important productions on Netflix’s (anime) schedule for the current year.
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The successful fiction of the greats of the N in this month of February already presented a first glimpse of its sequel
The suspenseful drama is set in “a neo-futuristic world where highly functional humans and robots live in perfect harmony.” Except for a preview and another production detail, the streaming giant hasn’t presented more information about the anime.
Behind Pluto on Netflix
All the details of the second part of “You” season 4
The Netflix series has just put the first 5 episodes of the fourth season online on its catalog, which has been divided into two parts
It has been revealed that among the actors who will be contributing their voices are well-known Japanese public figures from various branches. Shinshū Fuji will be there and he will bring the protagonist Gesicht to life. He will be joined by Yoko Hikasa as Atom and Minori Suzuki as Uran. The story was overseen by Macoto Tezuka (Osamu’s son), and Takashi Nagasaki is also credited as one of the writers. Pluto is under GENCO production and is animated by Studio M2 (Onihei).
On the other hand, it was known that Urasawa himself declared his enthusiasm for the anime adaptation of his manga. He said, “I applaud the courage of everyone who took on the challenge of creating an anime based on Pluto. It inherits the philosophy of Tezuka and not only conveys a message against war, but also serves as a reminder that the only hope is peace.”
About manga
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the sleeve of Pluto It has 65 chapters collected in 8 volumes. It tells the story of Gesicht, a robot detective member of Europol, who works on a case centered on various murders of robots and humans, which cause concern. But then it turns dark when clues suggest a robot is responsible.
“The action takes place in a future where robots have gained rights similar to those of humans, and in which a war has taken place that has devastated the world. The Persian Empire, located in the Middle East, which marked the past of many of its characters”, recounts part of its synopsis. The manga has been praised and awarded many times, becoming one of the most important for its anti-war theme.
Pluto It will premiere on Netflix in 2023. There is no exact date yet.
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