New ps5 gaming headset is said to be developed by Sony. Known internally as “Project Nomad”, the gaming headset will fit in-ear rather than over-the-ear, an option that will bring both cosmetic and performance changes. With in-ear monitors all the rage in the world of PC gaming, especially when it comes to VR audio solutions, Sony’s news focusing on headsets doesn’t come as a total surprise.
The new PS5 gaming headset would launch before March 2024
According to a report from Insider Gaming, Sony is developing a wireless gaming headset for use with the PS5. This is in addition to a new wireless headset. Both products are expected to launch between April 2023 and March 2024.
Speaking to Insider Gaming, unnamed sources reportedly said the headset is codenamed “Project Nomad”. They apparently have a battery life of “about five hours” and will come with a charging case that charges with a USB-C cable.
As for the new wireless headphones, which are apparently codenamed “Voyager”, it is understood that they will have similar functionality to the recently released Sony Inzone H7 headphones.
PS5 console hardware sales started 2023 strong. The same cannot be said for Xbox.
These new PS5 gaming headsets would certainly work well with the upcoming PSVR 2 headsets.