There are very strict rules on Twitch regarding sexual content, which has often been discussed as the rules seem to be aimed almost exclusively at women. And sometimes those rules border on the absurd, as famous transvestite streamer F1NN5STER can attest. According to Twitch itself, the ban was for “excessively touching her boobs,” which was really just Finn having to repeatedly correct her bra and the fake boobs she wore. As of this writing, the channel with over 500,000 subscribers is still unavailable and Finn himself commented on the incident as follows:
“When repositioning my bra, it was considered an ‘extended touch of female breasts’. how girly Twitch sees you.”
This resulted in a flurry of comments and criticism from the platform for this settlement:
So if you have big boobs and need to fix your bra or adjust your top, you get fired…ahh, that makes sense.
– kiwi (@kiwithesmol)
Come on man, so anyone can get banned for adjusting their bra? oh really? That’s a disgusting “reason” to get banned.
– AngryUwUs | Open Comms (@AngrilyUwUs)
Long keys? So how many seconds am I allowed to caress my own breasts until it drags on?
– Mecha.EXE (@MechaDotEXE)
I can’t wait for Twitch to call me a “woman”.
– Usabi Eria || addicted to opening the ygo pack (@UsabiEriaCh)
What do you think of that? Should Twitch reformulate its rules and loosen the reins a bit on this aspect?